No, I didn't plunge at the Polar Bear Plunge

By kate blue - Monday, January 31, 2011

but I sponsored Team Lauryn and The Maryland National Capital Park Police-I was there as their "unofficial offical papparazzi" (or should I say mamarazzi?)....I basically followed them around all day taking pictures!  The day was full of fun and I gotta say WELL organized all the way through; the MSP and their logistical teams had everything well planned from the shuttle buses all the way to the warming tents.  The temps were actually very comfortable, holding in at about 30 degrees but it felt warmer since the sun was out-that's why you see me without a jacket on in some of the pictures.  But just enough snow to make it polar-like...I had no idea that they didn't allow NON-plungers out to the plunge area, but you know me, I had my ways of getting past the po-po (think Madea ya'll)...I tried to take pics of the team right as they hit the water but there were so many people running at me that I lost track of them for a here was how some of the day went ( I didn't stay all day since I had another engagement to attend) and yeah, some folks were more clothed than others, but it was all for a great cause-over 12,000 plungers who raised over $ 3 million for Special Olympics of Maryland!  Ken and I decided we will join the team next year and plunge too...who's with us  or who wants to sponsor us ??

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