
About me-Queen Kat :)

Just some random stuff about me :) QUEEN KAT

“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”  Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

56 YO  PTSAHM of Things 1 and  Thing 2** one girl and one boy kind :)- sister, daughter, aunt and friend

Loves:  Scrapbooking, mixed media canvases and upcycled projects, art journaling, the beach, reading, cooking, Netflix, Harry Potter, the Baltimore Ravens, American Sign Language, travel when I can afford it, Boy Bands and and KPop  ******

Our journeys with illness, hearing loss & cochlear implants have  showed us that it is important to embrace all of those with "different abilities" because EVERYONE has a gift to share in this life.  God has given me two very different children with very different abilities.   One step at a time, one layer at a time is how we are doing it RIGHT NOW.  EMBRACING OUR DIVERSITY!

 2010 and 2011  brought 2 healthy children instead of just one, peace, great progress for Thing 2; 2012   brought family changes and moves in simpler directions and more tranquility- 2013? It was a grace period of laying foundations down for future moves... 2014 brought a bilateral cochlear for Thing 2 and a new school -TWO things that increased our blessings tremendously! 2015 and 2016 have been pretty calm... Oh wait, I spoke too soon...we now add Autism and epilepsy and illnesses to our mix for 2017-2019..
2020 -2021 Covid brought changes...sick parents, death of a parent  {sigh}
 2022- even more personal and family changes AND Covid is still here.

.BUT, I am still filled with gratitude for this life....  I still keep having earth angels help us along the way; most times when I least expect it.  God keeps showing me the glass can be 1/ 2 full :) when it comes to these two.  I keep trying to stay artsy to keep telling our story and to stay sane!!!

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