
Been away for a few days...

By kate blue - Friday, September 04, 2009

my house decided that it felt neglected so it decided to spring my water main line..in my scrapbook studio too! BUT, despite the wet mess and the fact that it ruined my carpet, no scrapbook supplies were lost except 2 free magazines that were on the floor. I had had a stack of new papers and a metal tin of embellishments on the floor, patiently waiting to be filed and fortunately, last week I piled them on a plastic 12 x12 case otherwise, I would've been very upset. But on that note, the studio is no longer cute, it looks like this...
3 days and $ 3,500 later, I am back in my house and have running water...So, in order to see the glass as half full, at least I will be forced to repaint the accent wall and it should look good & purty by the time the robbers,  I mean insurance company replaces the carpet...Blessing in disguise as the way my life seems to go.  I am extremley stressed and just have to thank Dad and Chuck for helping us out.  I'll never make my way outta debt land at this pace; sistah needs a job!  Am having friends over on Monday to pull me outta this funk!  Nothing like friends, food and scrapbooking to make a gal  feel better right???
House is a hot mess with cords all over the place and scrapbook supplies all over the house BUT hopefully ServPro will come get their shit tomorrow by noon...that's the plan anyway....Hubby is stroking cause his neat as a pin, feng-shui office has been turned into the storage shed (OFFICE) OF TERROR-will show ya later once I find my camera.  Who knew there was so much stuff down here?????????

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  1. Dang, it happened to me before... at my mom's home few of my artworks were partly ruin long time ago... and then few months ago, bathroom leaked all over and it went into my small bedroom... boxes near there got wet... I hate that happenend... oh yeah, frustated about that... Most of my stuffs were stacked and they don't get wet only bottoms one... not easy to do... That's why I rather have plastic bins than regular one or have them stack over something without get wet... I use plastic baby gate on floor. (Kids are old now so not really need them but glad I saved them! Ugh!)


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