
Candy Shoppe Designs...1st challenge for me

By kate blue - Thursday, September 10, 2009

I've finally read and reread and looked at all the eye candy and have jumped headfirst into the first challenge!  The requirements:

Simply use "strips" of something on your Paper Creations. There's NO LIMIT to what you can use. There are rules though. For one, you have to include something "gold" in your creation ( I did-the jewels in title and in the birdcage and a few others)  and you will also have to include these colors on the palette somewhere on your Paper Creation(s) and the "cream" color must be the dominant color.

Ya'll already know, I never use these colors, EVER, so this was a challenge and a stretch!
Extra kudos for using their sketch  -which I did.. but of course again, my own interpretation; I'm not good at following directions:

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  1. Anonymous11:57 PM EDT

    SO cute, love the pic and title!

  2. this is beautiful!! Love the birdcage and your use of gold!!

  3. Awesome page!! Love your take on the challenge and how you worked those colors!

  4. love all those funky elements that you used. You definitely did all the right things with this challenge!!

  5. Your dude totally rawks!!!!

  6. This is soooo beautiful!!! I like all your details!!!!! And your dude is so handsome!!!

  7. Love the perspective of the pic! Great LO!

  8. This is awesome, my friend!

  9. Love, love, love your take on this! The torn strips are awesome and I love how all the eye candy on here. :)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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