
gcd Studios awarded me these lovelies**

By kate blue - Saturday, November 21, 2009

Heidi & gcd picked me for one of  the fab tags giveaway -these are from the new Artsy Urban Collection from Melody Ross!  For those of you who live in Maryland, this collection CAN be found at Michaels, but only at the SuperMichaels in Bowie so don't do like I did and drive to all the different Michaels for a whole month asking their sorry salespeople (who know nothing about nor care about anything to do with scrapbooking) if they carried this line.

Or, if you'd rather order it, you can order is from Laura @ A Kiss on the Chic-she's the first to carry it in a kit... this has so many uses for it and I can't wait to get to creating what I have in mind.  Hopefully by the time I do that, I'll have figured out my camera situation too.  Had the 2nd junky camera as backup and when we were at dinner last night, I jiggled the secret switch too hard and that one broke too!  Am hoping a deal with a friend will come through so I can just snap something inexpensive on Black Friday.

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