
AARGH..I give up, I cannot do cards

By kate blue - Friday, December 11, 2009

or Tim Holtz tags!  It's been hours of sheer torture trying to do both...those who say I will perfect card making IF I practice are seriously hallucinating...So, the initial card was a fiasco and I needed to get "something"  to Sarah in the mail by TOMORROW, SO I made a Christmas tag...

again, with stash and with some amazing trim from Becky June and some MME paper and Prima bling...I decided that there will NOT be Tim's 12 tags of Christmas...I have no idea how Tim Holtz does it, but trust me, it takes incredible talent and patience of which I do not have in that magnitude.

And, oh yeah, Mandy, thank you so much for the SMOOCH spritz, that stuff is amazing!  I love it! You can see it if you look at the tag closeup-hate to say it, but it's way better than the "other" shimmery stuff; will have to get to the LSS and get some more!

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  1. that's a great tag, well worth your effort :D

  2. I think your tag looks GREAT!

  3. This is a beautiful tag!

  4. Wow, I don't know what you're looking at, but this tag is AWESOME! This is truly gorgeous!

  5. Tim would be proud! That's a very cool, vintagey, holtzy tag my friend!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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