
We rocked it !!!

By kate blue - Sunday, January 10, 2010

This is how we chill on weekends during football season-I was in my vintage Ravens gear-I know (as Thing 2 said "comb your hair") ...but on weekends, this is how I get so lazy...

from the first minute of the game, I knew we had come to play today!
I looked like the crazy fan screaming and pounding the carpet!! Sorry JennyB, we had to get out a can of whoop ass for your team today!

Yes, Virginia, the Ravens know how to kick some asphalt! Next week, Indy...let us pray :)

and my game ball today goes to RAY-not Lewis (sawwrry)...RAY RICE !  # 27 TWO games in a row!

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  1. I am a die hard Chiefs fan and a football fanatic in general. respect Ray Rice's game play. He was on my fantasy football team this season. Glad you stopped by my blog! :)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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