
Dancin' for charity 2010***

By kate blue - Friday, February 19, 2010

2010 marks the 3rd year that we dance for charity!!!

The party begins at Towson University’s University Union Building (Potomac Lounge), Friday February 26th at 6 p.m. and goes until Saturday February 27th at 6 a.m. As you know, TigerTHON is a 12-hour Dance Marathon event that blends dancing, music, games, food and a variety of entertainment to support the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. Since 2005, the Dance Marathon community has had huge success dancing into the night and raising more than $3 million for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals nationwide.

For those of you who are new to the blog, MY personal story began at Johns Hopkins Childrens Center 5 years ago...my own THING 2 spent his first 7 1/2 MONTHS there so this charity event is always near and dear to our hearts...This year TEAM BLUE dances again and we are asking that people pledge their coins (since we are still in a recession ) in the amount of $ 5-10....send me PM so I can send you the PAYPAL details; we need to collect all monies by FEB 24th.  Thanks for supporting the dancy dance!!!!!!! And if anybody wants to come dance with us, let me know, the more the merrier!!!  It's lots of fun!!

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  1. Sounds like a great way to raise some money...and rock OUT!!!!

  2. Just stopped by from TCB. Your work is so great even Tony the Tiger would be impressed!
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  3. I have featured you today on Today's Creative Blog. email me for your featured button.

  4. I just found you on Today's Creative! Good Luck with the dance! I just signed up to follow you, I love your layouts! Stop by my scrapbooking blog when you get a chance, I'm always looking for more crafty followers! http://juliechats.blogspot.com

  5. Hi!!! I have been trying to get in touch with you about the RAK I won. But it keeps getting kicked back????


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