

By kate blue - Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Hopefully the weather will cooperate -I have already seen the movie and it was wonderful!!!

Saturday, February 6th 10:00 a.m.
AMC Theaters Columbia Mall

Dwayne Johnson is "The Tooth Fairy" also known as Derek Thompson, a hard-charging hockey player whose nickname comes from his habit of separating opposing players from their teeth. When Derek discourages a youngster's hopes, he's sentenced to one week's hard labor as a "real" tooth fairy complete with tutu, wings, and magic wand. At first, Derek "can't handle the tooth"—bumbling and stumbling as he tries to wing his way through strangers' homes...doing what tooth fairies do. But as Derek slowly adapts to his new position, he begins to rediscover his own forgotten dreams. 

During the showing the lights will be kept up and the volume will be kept down. Sensory breaks are encouraged. Doors open at 9:30 and the movie starts at 10:00 with no trailers. Tickets are $6 at the door. Sponsored by The Howard County Autism Society and AMC Theatres Columbia Mall.

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  1. Anonymous2:13 PM EST

    OH my goodness, Kate! This is so awesome. I wish we had something like this here. My son can't go to movies anymore because of his photosensitive seizure disorder, and this would be wonderful. I didn't even think anything like this exsisted!

  2. Hey Rebel!

    Your LO is up for judging over at http://truexoxogirls.blogspot.com. Tell all your friends to check it out if you get a chance and to vote on all of the January entries. You too!

    True OG

  3. that's neat that they do that! ;)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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