
I'm back from my Crafting Retreat-refreshed

By kate blue - Monday, March 22, 2010

The Scrapping diva "Mz. C" invited yours truly to join her for a long weekend away-we scrapped, ate, drank (pear cropitinis and pomegranate cropinitnis were a HUGE HIT)  then ate some more, drank some more, crafted and laughed all weekend.  The WC house was in a great location and had tons of space, and when you are there with beautiful friends, new friends, beautiful weather, food, drink and sweets, what more could I have asked for??? I felt blessed to be asked to join such a fun group and already know we HAVE to plan another getaway soon...I could've been more productive, I think I doctored up 4 unfinished layouts and only created about 6 new ones but hell, I was having too much fun!!!.  I did manage to create a few thangs-thank you "Mz. DJ"  for the two classes-they were wonderful! Will be posting them up the blog once I get pictures of them; the rain made it all dark and cloudy today so... 

****Here are some of us hamming for the camera-striking a "Bad Girlzs"pose!!!

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  1. That picture cracks me up Kate!! You look like the best bunch of croppers....wish I lived closer!

  2. Love that photo! Sounds like you had a blast! Cropitinis - Love it! :) Can't wait to see what you made! :)

  3. I have got to join you guys next time. Whatever I am doing I will clear my calendar!

    I knew you guys would have a blast!

  4. So happy to have met you this past weekend. We sure had fun! Hope the Mickey Mouse projects were a big hit with the family. I must make a note to find out if our "blue's" are related :)

  5. Oh Kat look's like you had a blast!!!

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM EDT

    Okay, well since that is me Kat is hanging on and my breast that Denise appears to be milking, I guess I can comment! Kat, I'm so glad you were able to join us - it was so much fun! The weather and the friends WERE great and I can't wait 'til we do it again - Bad Girlz style and all!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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