
A Pre-class challenge...hmmmm

By kate blue - Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lisa M so graciously thought of me to join her in this class called Something for Almost Nothing  taught by the awesomely (is that a word?) talented Shimelle...So on Wednesdays and probably a few days in between, we will be creating sumthin'....our pre-class challenge is to think about our stash and to really think about what we have, why we bought it and why we haven't used it yet.  Everyone has their reasons!  As I type this, I'm surrounded by STUFFFFFFF...unorganized right now since I'm in the middle of creating for the Making Memories Big Book submissions and am all late about it-only submitted 3 so far..but anyway, as I look around, my main problem seems to be this:  My table should look like that pic over there {see top} but I have a hoarding problem with THIS stuff called PAPER so the table and the room look nothing like that neat thing:
My goal in this class is to use a sh*tload of paper-maybe 12 layouts??

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  1. Thanks for the comment on my layout. You have some lovely papers. Really enjoying the class so far. Have a nice day. anesha


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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