
10 days and counting...

By kate blue - Thursday, May 13, 2010

till this AMAZING kid turns 6 !!! AND for those of you who are new to my blog, let's just say that it's a BIG deal!  THIS kid was at death's door for almost a whole year and while we still haven't come full circle, healthwise, he is doing great!  God keeps letting us know that he's working with us and on us and for that, we are grateful!  On the days I worry about the things he can't do like normal 6 yr olds and the whole speech issues, I catch myself and smack myself and think about ALL the things he CAN do and I know that he's got a great team of teachers and therapists who are working hard on the small stuff each day.  He is the sweetest, most easy to please, loving child who still thinks he's my shadow so who could resist that???? lol :)  People look at him and NEVER imagine all that he's gone through in 5 years but WE know so we celebrate him each and every day for the next 10 days!!

Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare. — Psalms 75.1

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