
It's June 30th....Eclipse is here!!

By kate blue - Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eclipse follows on  as the third movie in the Twilight Saga Trilogy directed by David Slade based on the original book written by Stephenie Meyer and screenplay written by Melissa Rosenberg.  I admit, I haven't read any of the books, but I've liked the movies.  I go to support my bff and my daughter who LOVE this series just like they support my Harry Potter fascination so...It's a great date night for us and I do have lots of fun...but I do have to ask a lot of questions after each and every movie so that's why we do a movie and dinner afterwards!  love the cool Ed Cullen t-shirt {E} bought me too!

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  1. I will be a Edward fan for ever and ever. I went to the Midnight showing and could hardly keep my eyes open yesterday at work.

  2. this looks like fun!...love the tees :)


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