
Friday giveaway *a day late*

By kate blue - Saturday, July 24, 2010

just thought I'd tag along off of Darling's post and show you a giveaway for Friday (since I didn't have time to pick a Friday ScrapGal this week or last-I may do a Saturday SuperScrapper b4 I leave IF I have time tonight-we have an extra early wakeup call 4 am)...SO, even though I'm late, head over to Emily's blog  (I like those Martha S edge punchers btw and her LO with the SL) and enter her giveaway today since she's celebrating 500 posts!  Wendy Rago/Bad Girls kit...I know I could do it some justice!

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  1. love your blog. I became a follower.


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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