
Homemade concoctions with some education thrown in...

By kate blue - Wednesday, July 14, 2010

for all my friends who are educating me about being "greener" and "healthier", I have a site for you!  I am a big coffee drinker but I am equally in love with great teas...and herbs (I'm learning)...what better way than to buy in bulk @ a terrific price?  Head on over to the Bulk Herb Store where not only are there great products (my friend A makes an incredible mosquito/tick repellent that really works, chock full of lavender of which I should get the recipe) and of course you can then custom your own teas @ home that work for you.  I personally just ordered two of Zach's teas (because I love loose green and black teas, lemon, and some ginkgo leaf can't hurt either.) Hop over today and order some great stuff, subscribe to their podcasts and maybe even read some great info in their Resource section !! 

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