
Lollipop girls -new gals revelaed!!

By kate blue - Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lynnette has revealed more info on the new girls. hop over and get to know them...funny how we are all different but some of us like & dislike the same things !!  I'm a big fan of Converses- Chuck Taylors RULE, could take chocolate or  leave it (with the exception of KitKat bars, Twix and peanut M & Ms lol, and I so understand a clean kitchen !!!  Hop you'll enjoy your Halloween (if you partake) and then come back here on Monday evening for a new challenge :)

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  1. It's so great to be on the team!!! I look forward to get to know you and the other girls! :D

    ...and yes, a clean kitchen... ;)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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