
The days till Christmas are still counting down...

By kate blue - Sunday, December 19, 2010

and am I ready?? NOpe.  Haven't started doing a thing...but believe it or not, I can do plenty in two days...I think folks do too much and overstress themselves wayyy to much at Christmas anyway.  We don't do all the hoopla with Santa so that truly simplifies so much.  I so meant to post yesterday with our party pictures and festivities that the dude & I went to {without kiddos} but got there and sadly realized I left my camera battery on the kitchen counter!  Oh well, just say we had a great time and the champagne & ice wine were divine!  So, today's post will go back to Thing 2's version of the GINGERBREAD HOUSE....his involved Rice Krispy treats :)

I simply supervised, after all, those of us parents who have kids that need work in fine motor skills and tactile things know that they need all the "hands-on" that they can get, so I let him do his thang! with no help from the scrappin' mom... He was so focused and intent....AND EXCITED!  When all was done, wasn't this frosting face worth it ????

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  1. I can't wait to see these pictures scrapped - they are so ADORABLE!!!!!!!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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