
Monday Randomness and the RAK photos

By kate blue - Monday, March 21, 2011

as promised, I took pics of the two RAKs that will be given away by me during our 1st ever blog hop @ Paper Issues!  If you were busy over the weekend (as most of us were with family and friends) then you can start HERE at my blog to read all about it & to start with the ultra fab Team Paper (woop woop!) and get to hopping!  No rush though, you have plenty of time to check out all the talent on all the teams (we got Teams Paper, Scissors and Glue) since the blog hop doesn't end till April 2nd!
As I said before, I'll be picking 2 random winners (that way, both the boy and the girl children each get to pick from the hat)....

I dug in my stash and here's the 2 prizes!  Echo Park FOR THE RECORD in the house and it's entirely possible I may add to the stash...depends on how much spring cleaning I get done this week-I'm working my way from top of the house to the bottom where the studio is...ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS SPREAD THE WORD AND LEAVE A COMMENT ON MY ORIGNAL BLOG POSTING!!  (link above)

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  1. You always give the best random acts of kindness!!! I hip hopped to all the blogs yesterday~! Wow you all have some awesome talent over at Paper Issues!!!!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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