
An "Out the Box" project from Lori

By kate blue - Thursday, April 14, 2011

,Love Kim's site!!!! click on pic to HOP over!!

Since I hadn't been crafting this week, projects have piled up and the mojo was at someone else's house...My Secret Sistah from the SOC blog has gifted me tons of adhesive and some great goodies but have I sat down to create?  NOPE...it was one thing after another with the kids this week; let's hope and pray that NOTHING comes up next week when they are on Spring Break and that I get to scrap, scrap, and scrap!  Anyway, I did manage to do 2 projects today..this one comes from Lori Allred over at Northridge Publishing (you know, the fab folks that publish Scrapbook Trends, Simply Cards and other awesome pubs) and their new thing called CreaTV!  I call it an upcycled/recycled project...she and Kristine do a "Make it your own" project using t-shirts!  I'll show a few pics of mine, but they actually have a video showing you exactly how to do it..since the project isn't my idea (but who's ever it is is pure genius) and I am not big on figuring out precise measurements...not to worry though, there is no measuring with this project!  And, to make it even better, it requires 4 supplies if you make rosette pins to pin to it; I forgot to take a pic of my glue gun ..so here's what I used:
I don't normally have paper plates so that's why you see the pot lid, and I actually used 2 old tshirts but forgot to take a picture-it was just a plain black tee from hubbys drawer!
Then, you use your "lid or plate" as a template to cut out circles like this:
I used 2 lids so I'd have long & short strands)
and, just like you do in scrapbooking to make your own flowers, you cut the fabric circles in a spiral-freehand method-see how Lori does it...easy peasy and then when done cutting the spiral, hold both ends and stretch it. Then they look like this:
 I then went a step further and cut off the arms of the tshirt and cut like 2 inch strips and made some rosettes for pin to it when I wear it...I gotta glue them together though so...the only thing I can say is that this is super cute and super easy...next time I will cut 2 inches swirl and I won't use a tshirt that's as faded as these and maybe a cute teal and yellow mix would be good...something colorful...and I definitely need to buy some fabric scissors; mine weren't as sharp as I would've liked since I use all of my scissors for paper and cardboard...so, here's the link to the video tutorial-I would love to hear from you and see if you make one too!  Here's Thing 1 being my model :) and btw, SHE thinks this looks like rags but what does she know about fashion??? It doesn't look as great as Lori's but I'll try again :)

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