
Hey Kim, here's more

By kate blue - Monday, July 04, 2011

OMG...it's so funny that I'm still loving this kit that Kim sent me...so I have to share...I so loved the pelican  (and rec'd so many compliments on him ) and so I decided to keep going "out my box" and keep using stickers...so I did try to "tan" the little girl (no, I don't need Copics-we'll just say she's sunburned :)) but am not sure if it photographed her "tan" LOL..While I was waiting for Thing 1 to get home on Saturday, I created this from Kim's mini-kit plus stash (now that I'm more organized I found some super cute stuff)  :)

cool sand-www.muddpuddles.net  color: aruba beach and it dries in one hour-no lie!
 I initiallymeant to do some 4th July layouts, but I ran out of printer ink and had to make due with pictures I had already printed.  They were waiting to be scrapped anyway.  Also, don't forget CVS has 10 cent prints till July 9th!  Use SUMMER10 as the code*minimum order 50 prints; not a bad deal and you can pick up in one hour !
  ** linking up with the 4th July linky party over at:

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  1. Woah! I LOVE the sand and the "tanned" little girl! Great job Queen Kat (I think that is so sassy)! Thanks for playing along with us at Triplicate Trials Tuesday !

  2. Sweetie!!! I'm lovin' this layout. So cute. Currently doing a happy dance. Hope your weekend was fun. Ours was.

  3. Love the pinwheels, such a great layout!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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