instead of Purple Friday....when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right??! I had every intention of spending the weekend with my PA boo:
BUT...Mother Nature had other plans so we didn't get to get together to play...but it's all good! Saturday's weather was seriously weird...hail, sleet and rain down here...snow up there ....but lo & behold, Sunday was absolutely beautiful and sunny AND, my wonderful generous friends ET AND DT gifted us tickets for this:
so, the weekend was pretty great after all.....and I just wanna thank my friends who understand our journey, who see that we are "trying", who are always doing kind and generous things for us when they aren't asked to, when they don't have to, and they ask for nothing in return......there are times when generous gifts like this are "RIGHT ON TIME." (On the other hand, I have some friends who are pretty selfish and don't see themselves as such but what can you do?? You keep praying for them and hope they finally get that "ME" mentality out of their systems)......but for now, I REALLLLLYYYYY appreciated the day and the sunny temps and the drive and THE totally awesome comeback from the Baltimore Ravens!!!!!
Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !