
Holiday creations begin!

By kate blue - Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I decided to get back on track this year and start some Christmas decorations (I know, I totally don't do Thanksgiving decor)  EARLY so that the kids will be excited about Christmas since last year was the first year that Thing 2 kinda understood it.
In addition to putting up a tree in almost every room, I like to decorate my bathrooms as well.  I usually try to do some type of canvases or altered art in them too since they are an inexpensive way to dress up a small space in an inexpensive way (you can use stash).  This year, I actually started looking around at the Christmas lines back in September and was inspired by all the colors of the Wonder & Wishes Collection by Little Yellow Bicycle.  I picked up a simple white tray and some trims from my local Hobby Lobby, added clear buttons from my Webster's stash, some old Christmas ornaments and the rest is simply the super cute paper and embellishments from LYB ...and finished this tray this week:

once you gather your supplies, you can put these trays together in less than an hour!  So, I'm one down...2 more to go....

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  1. Very pretty I love to see Xmas colors outside of green and red.

  2. Love it!!! Those little bottles are so adorable!!! and you can switch out any photos you add from year to year- SMART!


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