
OMG Snail MAIL **International baby **

By kate blue - Friday, December 23, 2011

haben einige internationale mail den ganzen Weg aus Deutschland!!! Yeppers, my super sweet pen pal, aka Felicitas, sent me a totally awesome gift from Germany! I was doing the "happy dance when  I saw this:

and doing an even happier dance when I ooohhed and aaahed over this super cute project...boy did she make me wanna whip up some new bags and add more layers...hers are definitely much much more artistic! I shall have to practice more!

This crafty thing that we do really shows us how we are all connected...I'm so glad that I gotta coupla gals in Germany who found my blog and that I have a totally AMAZING pen pal :):)...Thank you again Felicitas......XOXOXOXOXO 

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