
actually scrapping some current pics for once...

By kate blue - Tuesday, January 03, 2012

normally I'm scrapping stuff way outta whack-like summer vacation in December or 4th of July in February..so I decided to switch it up and do some current stuff in the current month....more October Afternoon...ya'll remember the uncooperative BAD ELVES during my December photo shoot right??

well, experience has taught me to take about 100 shots so I can get 10 good ones....this was one of the good ones:  When he was the "Good Elf"...I did add some Q&Co red felt, the alphas (?), tags: OA (older line) and a Colorbok tag but the rest is from the Holiday Style line from October Afternoon.
we switched hats and let sister go inside so we could focus:)
great combo of blues and reds and black.......LOVE !

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  1. They sure are cute elves though! Happy New Year Queen Kat! Stay warm there (14 here in Morgantown this AM)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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