
Featured Friday crafter....is Marilyn!

By kate blue - Friday, January 20, 2012

don't ask me how I found her (Marilyn aka The Artsy Girl)) but I'm glad I did!!!  I put her in the same category as Robin S, Wendy M, Sasha H , Keisha, Karla D and Jennifer B- in my Sistahs of Color Hall of Fame-these ladies can craft like SHAZAMM!  Crazy mad skillz that I hope I can attempt when I grow up LOL...
She's not a scrapbbooker (or at least not to me-but then again, I was looking at all the eye candy and never noticed if she was or not LOL) -she does amazing stuff like this:

and this:
see what I mean ???  ANYWAY, hop on over to her amazing blog {The ARTSYGIRL Connection} and leave her some ROYAL L-O-V-E !! Tell her Queen Kat sentchya!  TGIF everybody!

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