
Thankful (and Thoughtful) Thursday

By kate blue - Thursday, March 08, 2012

Good morning everybody!  I'm still catching up so....keep bearing with me....
Maryland Community Connection and other related organizations celebrate Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in March and March is the month to join us in raising awareness: to volunteer, donate, speak out to elected officials on issues impacting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Talk to your employer about their practices for recruiting and hiring people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Make the effort to support businesses that employ people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
 People with developmental disabilities can be friends, neighbors, co-workers, volunteers, teammates, or  classmates. This is the face of someone with Developmental Disabilities...He's got about a 2 year delay but STILL goes to school in a mainstream environment AND is still expected to do everything his classmates do...no exceptions!!  So to me, he is my other over-achiever!!

He works harder than 3-4 people put together everyday on the simple things and everyday he closes some part of the gap.  He's smart and funny and just an all-round sweetheart and for that, we are THANKFUL....when folks are mean to him (and they are, trust me) it tears a piece of my heart but I just have to think that it's part of God's daily plan to change ME...to make ME more aware that you can't/shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, to make ME more aware of children who may be trying hard but don't have all the resources like we do, to make ME more patient and more loving.... I'm the work in progress....
During Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, get to know someone with a disability.  You’ll see that everyone has something to offer.  Together we accomplish more!!  (**reprinted from Maryland Community Connections)

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  1. Oh Kat you brought a tear to my eyes with this post. It makes me so anxious to see Lola trying to relate to the other kids in the playground. As a singleton, she has very few tools for starting a friendship right now. She just runs up to kids and stares at them- many run away screaming. It HURTS to see this over and over again and I have to force myself to let her be so she can learn to socialize on her own. My nephew is within the Autism spectrum so we have many issues with others not accepting him as he is. The older he gets the harder it is because he looks like any other kid but doesn't interact in the same way. I feel you sister and think you are an inspiration. Hugs. :)


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