
I say goodby to Twisted Sketches...

By kate blue - Sunday, June 24, 2012

For those of you who used to join me for the Twisted Sketches, I know you've already read the announcement by Anam:

Major Announcement

"It is with great sadness to announce that I am closing down Twisted Sketches so this is this is the last sketches for both Layouts and Cards. After an amazing run of 3 years, I felt it was right to let it go at this point and hope you have enjoyed and been inspired by the sketches."

So, after a 2 year stint, I am again a free agent-I went outside my comfort zone and created from sketches and it was a great time!  I was just lucky to be part of the journey...

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  1. Like the blues and gold Kate!

  2. Love your layout and your wonderfully random placement of all your bits and pieces on it! Hope you will still be posting your wonderful projects even though Twisted Sketches is no longer as I LOVE your work!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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