
Thankful Thursday....and a birthday!

By kate blue - Thursday, June 07, 2012

you didn't think I'd let the whole day go by without wishing a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite performer of all time did you?

Prince (born Prince Rogers Nelson; June 7, 1958) is an American singer, songwriter, musician, and actor. I fell in love with his music oh maybe, back in 1983.  I was 18 years old and was hanging hard with my friends Tony, Winston, rONNIE, Richard and my cousin Eric....good times, good times... AUTOMATIC was my song !
Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Prince developed an interest in music at an early age, writing his first song at age seven.  After recording songs with his cousin's band 94 East, seventeen-year-old Prince recorded several unsuccessful demo tapes before releasing his debut album,  For You, in 1978....which means that I didn't know of his excellency until AFTER high school!!  But I swiftly caught up....
But, his music has uplifted me all my life-GOOD times, BAD times, HAPPY times, SAD times, IFFY times...he IS a  ROYAL BADASS a nd I remain steadfast, a royal    loyal fan :)     I ADORE him (LOL) and so, today, I wish him a very very happy 54th birthday even though he prabably isn't celebrating (Jehovah WItness) !!!!

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  1. If it should rain here again let it rain PURPLE rain! Love the Artist too!


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