
more birthday countdown facts...

By kate blue - Friday, July 06, 2012

More of Getting to know me from A to Z

A - Addicted to?  Pinterest ! (http://pinterest.com/queenkat/)
B - Braces?  No, but I wore aluminum foil on my teeth when I was  a kid!
C - Cake or Pie? PIE !! Apple, Cherry or Peach
D - Day of choice? Thursday

E - Essential Item? Notebooks-I have a fetish! and my Nook Color
F - Fear?   Fire!
G - Greatest Accomplishment? My children
Things 1 & 2  JULY 2005

THINGS 1 & 2   MAY 2010

H - Hometown? Elkridge (even though I was not born or raised here)
I - Indulgences?  scrapbook supplies and makeup
J - Favorite "Jam (tune/song)-right now, it's my gurl Katy Perry "Wide Awake"

K - Kids?  2  (see cuties above)
L- Last book you read?  11th Hour by James Patterson &Maxine Paetro
M - Favorite Movies?  Glory, Wedding Crashers, Elf, Hotel Rwanda (makes me bawl so hard (get it Ravens fans?? ) every time), Good Will Hunting

N - Favorite Number? 4
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples (Honey Crisp)
P - Phobias? Fear of anything scary...no, make that everything scary! and roaches

Q - Quotes? "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt
R - Reason to smile? fresh flowers,silver jewelry, snail mail, postcards
S - Season? Summer, especially if I am near some water

T -fav TV shows? hm...I'm still getting introduced to new ones all the time BUT, my top 5 that I Love are:  Grey's Anatomy, Biggest Loser, America's Next Top Model (Tyra love), Sister Wives (don't judge),  What Not to Wear,  Real Housewives of Atlanta, Diners Drive-ins and Dives, Hoarders * Hoarders Buried Alive

U - Unknown facts about me:     I would love to have 3-4 more tattoos. I do not care for chocolate at all unless it's mixed with peanut butter in some way.  I don't drink soda but do drink one occasionally (maybe 3-4 times a year)-I'm a big fan of water, tea, wine, or vodka (in that order LOL)
V - Very favorite star?Idris Elba of course (oh yeahs, he's really eye candy but he's a star to me)...I really don't have a favorite since I really only like comedies.

W - Worst Habit?  sarcasm so I'm practicing on counting to 15 before I give an opinion -

  X - xrays?-yup, we've all had them right??
 Y - Your favorite food?  hmm...anything Italian...and sushi (any kind, any way)
 Z - Zodiac sign?  Cancer !

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  1. Kat, I love your work and I loved reading these answers! If we lived closer, I am sure we would totally be friends because I was nodding my head along to so many of your answers! Happy birthday - hope it's the best year yet!

  2. I love this Getting to know you A-Z, would be a great list on a Smash page!! =)

    *Smashaholic Sister =)


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