Thankful Thursday!

By kate blue - Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's a Thankful Thursday!  Am off tending to some serious business today over at Hopkins (will post about that later) so in the meantime, there's so much to be thankful for today and everyday!  It's the little things that come to mind today and one thing I am thankful for is for the gift of CREATIVITY :)    I was never a creative person until a few years ago so I'm new to the game LOL....and I'm grateful for it since it's a great stress reliever :):)

So, enjoy some "retro" creations and just know it's all in the beholder :):)  TGIT!! TTYL!!

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  1. love the projects I have a few favs #1 with Thing 1, layout #4 with you,Lilo & Stitch and the throwback layout of Thing 2 is so sweet!

  2. Awesome projects! I adore the very first one...that one may be on my lift list if that is OK :D

  3. I love the top layout with the cutout (she is growing up!) and enjoyed the tour of your scrap areas!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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