
Small business Saturday-my fav one

By kate blue - Saturday, November 30, 2013

#SHOPSMALL   Saturday, November 30, 2013 is Small Business Saturday® – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities.When you shop a small business, more than half of what you spend goes back into the community....MY fav small business is of course not in my immediate area, but 25 minutes away....PHOTOSCRAPS!
I normally NEVER shop during the Thanksgiving  Black Friday hoopla but the bff wanted to get something, so we went to Photo Scraps for a bit...it had been awhile since I was on a major spending reduction for 2013 :)  It was great seeing Lisa and Tracy (diva owner, above) and  all I can say is that this Bo Bunny (AND MORE) collection was awesome-I asked SANTA for it :):)
of course they had tons of inspiration for all...........I was in paper crafters heaven :):)

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