6 days and counting!**UPDATED

By kate blue - Sunday, January 19, 2014

till I plunge with the Gaithersburg Police for my 3rd Police Team Polar Bear Plunge!  I’m jumping into the Chesapeake Bay to ensure that I can brag about my triumph and support Special Olympics Maryland athletes!

But – before I can dip my toes in the cool waters of success, I need your help reaching my personal fundraising goal. Every dollar helps! You don’t need to be a million dollar giver, unless you want to be, but a donation of $10 can help me. Still looking for 5 more pledgers! $10 each!  If I get 5 more before Thursday, I'll go up to my chest in the  water!                         ****UPDATE:  I GOT SOME PLEDGES WHILE I WAS OUT TODAY, SO UP TO MY CHEST IN THE WATER I GO!  KEEP PLEDGING!!!!  Link to my personal fundraising page:  http://plunge2014.kintera.org/katblue?faf=1&e=7363785012
plunge 2011

The 2014 MSP Polar Bear Plunge!

It's not just an event, it's an experience

- See more at: http://plunge2014.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1075839&lis=1&kntae1075839=FE326F50D7294D28A165277B3DFA2D8D#sthash.loJQxyIu.dpuf

The 2014 MSP Polar Bear Plunge!

It's not just an event, it's an experience

- See more at: http://plunge2014.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1075839&lis=1&kntae1075839=FE326F50D7294D28A165277B3DFA2D8D#sthash.loJQxyIu.dpuf

Plunge 2012

The 2014 MSP Polar Bear Plunge!

It's not just an event, it's an experience

- See more at: http://plunge2014.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1075839&lis=1&kntae1075839=FE326F50D7294D28A165277B3DFA2D8D#sthash.loJQxyIu.dpuf

The 2014 MSP Polar Bear Plunge!

It's not just an event, it's an experience

- See more at: http://plunge2014.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1075839&lis=1&kntae1075839=FE326F50D7294D28A165277B3DFA2D8D#sthash.loJQxyIu.dpuf

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