RAK winner and a new layout!!

By kate blue - Wednesday, May 27, 2015

wow, it's been a crazy week in such a good way!  My Thing 1 graduated and the house has been full of family and friends from near and far and we've been on the go non-stop!  So, forgive me -I'm late!  The winner of my RAK is Carolyn Graham!  Carolyn, please send me your snail mail to: bluequeen4@hotmail.com...CONGRATS!

 I was up on the Scrap Our Stash blog yesterday with my take on this month's sketch challenge:
Circles, circle pieces, half circles...definitely a challenge!  This month's twist was to use handmade flowers and so I made the only ones I know how to!  Learned these at my LSS Photo Scraps at a make-n-take and love that they are easy to make and oh so cute!  Hope you joined in on our challenges this month!

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  1. Congrats on the graduation

    I love your layout. Your flowers are too cute - I've never made flowers like that. Are they simple to make?


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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