Marvelous Monday and a winner!

By kate blue - Monday, November 02, 2015

Hope you had a wonderful Halloween and a great weekend!   Happy Monday!  Big thanks to all who played with us for Scraptoberfest; it was a great success with so many entries and it's awesome how we inspired you AND you inspired us!  With that being said, remember I had a giveaway for one lucky winner who also posted at Challenge YOUrself?? The lucky winner of this and MORE ( Surprise!  I added more goodies to it- can you say Flair buttons, washi tape and more to it) is:
    SHARON a/k/a sksgranny
 Sharon, please send me your snail mail to:

And, since I was in a "treat, no tricks" mood, I also picked a random regular blog winner from my  international ladies-why should we USA gals have all the fun??  CONGRATS went to JULENE!  Part of the international prize was the October Swag Bag from the Paper Issues store plus a few other goodies-I can't reveal it all since she hasn't gotten her package yet! 

October Swag Bag Kit

Thank you for being blog followers!   And, since we are now in November and it's all about gratitude, I'm gonna repeat the same thing this month!  Stay tuned for details later this week!

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  1. Thank you,
    Thank you!!! You just made my day!
    Love playing along with challenges.
    Sharon (aka sksgranny)


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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