
Three Things Thursday list!

By kate blue - Thursday, December 10, 2015

I saw this list on Facebook and thought it'd be a wonderful contest for December!  I'm gonna list my answers and if you answer them and link yours in the comments, I'll have a drawing for a little RAK on December 20th! (USA residents only since I want to mail it before Christmas)

Three names I go by
1. mommy
2. Kat
3. Kathy

Three places I lived
1. Sagami Depot, Japan
2. Brooklyn, NY
3. Laurel, Maryland

Three places I have worked
1. US Army
2. City of Laurel, Laurel, MD
3. The Bozzuto Group, Greenbelt, MD

Three things I love to watch
1.  Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
2.  Dr. Phil
3.  Being Mary Jane

Three places I have been
1. Disneyworld

2. Cancun, Mexico
3. Frankfurt, Germany

Three things I love to eat
1.  Chipotle (steak)
2.  Steak
3.  Cheesecake

Three people I think will respond
1.   Leslie
2.   Julie
3.   Melissa

Three things I am looking forward to
1.  vacations 2016
2.   New Year's Eve
3.  My 4th Polar Bear Plunge January 2016


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  1. Kate, I don't have a blog (just a scrapbook gallery), can I still play along?


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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