I've been down for the count for quite a bit-got the flu bug, an upper respiratory infection and laryngitis all a few days before Christmas and it's taken me this long to bounce back and get back (well, almost- 95%) up and running. So, hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a festive New Year! I cleaned the house yesterday and did massive loads of laundry (everyone else in the house took advantage of my illness to do absolutely NOTHING...and today is a relaxing Sunday full of tea, The Blacklist marathon, and scrapping. Got tons done so far, 3 DT layouts and 2 just for myself:
I'd been wanting to scrap some of Thing 2's earlier pictures so I can use those awesome Prima (Jamie Doughterty) faith rub-ons. I still can't go ALL the way back to the sick days of spring 2004 but this one was Thanksgiving 2004-not a good time but still need to be documented (I'm journaling on the back of this one) so I can always be grateful for how far he's come.
The next one is just using up my gold stash-still love all the gold-snowflakes and sequins are courtesy of my secret sistah santa Tiare ! Wanted to start off 2016 by scrapping what I love -my NEPHEW!
am off to put my January CKCB kit together...am trying to create more, use more, spend less in 2016!
I'd been wanting to scrap some of Thing 2's earlier pictures so I can use those awesome Prima (Jamie Doughterty) faith rub-ons. I still can't go ALL the way back to the sick days of spring 2004 but this one was Thanksgiving 2004-not a good time but still need to be documented (I'm journaling on the back of this one) so I can always be grateful for how far he's come.
The next one is just using up my gold stash-still love all the gold-snowflakes and sequins are courtesy of my secret sistah santa Tiare ! Wanted to start off 2016 by scrapping what I love -my NEPHEW!
Love all the glitter and shine on your layouts! Hope you've completely recovered (I'm a Blacklist fan too - I think new episodes start again this week).
ReplyDeleteThanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !