
midweek catchup ! Better late than never!

By kate blue - Thursday, September 28, 2017

I know I've been MIA , it's my mantra -every time I think I'm going to have time to blog and craft regularly, Murphy's Law steps in...I've been busy with stuff for Thing 2...for those that don't know me, I have a child with "specialty needs" and we've been running back and forth to the neuro clinic for some concrete answers so we can tailor and tweak his IEP and his life...So it's finally official (we got more than one opinion on a number of things since his seizure back in 2016-another reason why I've been so busy) that I am officially the mother of a child with AUTISM.

He is the light of my life and that's why you always see us together!!

But, as a mom who has to do more on that end, finding balance is critical...so, I am determined to get back on track crafty wise & bloggy wise to keep stress levels in check.  So what's a queen to doto stick to it???  Guest stint over on a crafty blog of course!  The super talented (and kind) ladies over at Counterfeit Kit Challenge Blog (CKCB) asked yours truly to be their upcoming Guest Designer for the WHOLE MONTH OF OCTOBER!  Yes please!! Whoop Whoop!!

So, now that you know, spread the word!  We are gonna get you to use up those supplies, mix old and new, and counterfeit along the way!  Here's a sneak peek of what DT member Julene chose to inspire  ya!!

So,  start thinking about how you wanna be inspired...and if you don't know what the Counterfeit Kit Challenge is all about, hop over here early and check it out then come back on October 1 for all the fun!

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