
I love these kinds of questionnaires

By kate blue - Wednesday, December 03, 2008

they are kinda addictive, doncha think?? I got this one from the gorgeous Tina (yes she's very pretty) at http://lifelovepaper.typepad.com/just_a_girl_who_likes_pap/ or you can catch her over at her Etsy shop (user: lifelovepaper)

so here's her Qs: Supposed to be one word answers but every body knows I can't do that so...on that note~

Where is your mobile phone? purse {maybe}**I did say MAYBE I can't keep track of it,poor thing
Where is your significant other? tv watching
Your hair colour? dark black when it's not dyed & streaked
Your mother? NY
Your father? NY but traveling right now
Your favourite thing? scrapbooking
Your dream last night? you don't wanna know-weird-did I say Simon Cowell was involved??
Your dream goal? continue to be my childrens life coach
The room you're in? my scrapbook room
Your hobby? scrapbooking-I'm repeating that entirely too much huh?
Your fear? fire
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Working to pay for snorkeling trips
Where were you last night? sleeping
What you're not? gorgeous
One of your wish-list items? visa gift card so I can go to Ulta and Home Goods
Where you grew up? everywhere (Born in NJ-been to Japan, Virginia, Germany, NY, Maryland)
The last thing you did? took nap
What are you wearing? jeans (tank top, shirt on top, socks)
Your TV? we have too many too describe-old & new
Your pets? none
Your computer? needs more memory
Your mood? hungry
Missing someone? my Aunt Rita
Your car? Saturn VUE
Something you're not wearing? perfume
Favourite shop? Macys and Home Goods
Your summer? long vacation/rejuventation time
Love someone? totally
Your favourite colour? turquoise-change from yellow
When is the last time you laughed? weekend when I watched Fred Clause movie
When is the last time you cried? today when one of my son's NICU nurses saw us out in the community and recognized him right away-she had very nice words to say

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  1. thanks for playing along! It's kind of fun to look back at these randoms to see how you've changed.

  2. Anonymous1:23 PM EST

    thanks for playing along! it's fun to look back at these randoms to see how you've changed.


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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