
Life is fragile-handle carefully {sigh}**long post alert

By kate blue - Friday, May 15, 2009

Scrapbookers come together from all walks of life and that's why I love it so much...I've been cyber pals with Ms Awesome Scrapper Kim Madrid for a bit now and her son Ryan has leukemia so I keep tabs on her a lot. Today her post has my heart very heavy and I just ask that everyone prays for her and her family as they continue this journey to find a cure. She already knows that if I lived in Texas, I'd be doing anything I could to assist. Ryan and Brandon are almost the same age and I couldn't imagine my life if I was in her shoes; she keeps getting the strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other every day and she still finds time to always think of others, never putting herself first..I hope it's ok with her that I post her words in the hope that prayer circles all over the world will give her some comfort. Please visit Ryan's caringbridge page and let her know KateB and friends are thinking of her and her sweet little guy and that we PRAY for a miracle. I'm a true believer that miracles happen everyday, always when you least expect them.

The four rounds of chemo we've done since the beginning of the year have had no effect on the cancer. It is spreading and has doubled since January. There is no chemo cure.

Several friends and family members have urged us in the past to go to St. Jude, but after talking with the Cook docs, I learned that aside from clinical trials, they don't offer anything different. Still, I have had a feeling that St. Jude may be the answer and have prayed a great deal about it, asking God to lead us there if they truly had something new to offer.

Well, about a week ago, St. Jude called me and said they'd heard about Ryan and thought he might qualify for one of their studies. Wow! Okay. So Monday, Ryan and I are flying to Memphis to meet with a doc and talk about this study. He would have to pass some minimum physical requirements to get in.

Also, we are not sure we want to do this. What if it makes him worse? Shortens his already short life expectancy? What if he dies in Memphis during the trial? So many questions. It would be great to know the answers.

Please pray for us, that we travel safely to and from Memphis, that the docs give us honest and complete answers to our questions, and that whatever direction God wants us to go, we hear his instructions and follow without hesitation.

Also, my apologies to friends, relatives and CB/CP pals. I have been overwhelmed with anxiety over all this and haven't been keeping in touch. Please know that I love you and pray for you all. May God be with you.

***this is one amazing woman***** with BIG hugs & LOVING prayers, Kat (KateB)

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  1. That is just heartbreaking. I don't know how I'd do it - she is so strong and will be in my prayers too :)


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