
Christmas in July

By kate blue - Wednesday, July 01, 2009

RAK or giveaway....I know I'm late but it took me forever to bounce back from that cold & sinus infection...WAAAYYY too long...old age baby...but anyway, I posted the first pic of the giveaway somewhere below and think I will keep cleaning the scrapstudio tomorrow and Friday to add some other goodies in that are non-Christmas related but still scrapbooking supplies- Drawing to be done on my favorite holiday- the 4th of July!! Here's the deal:

** Follow my blog
** Tell me your favorite holiday that you like to scrap & send me a link to your blog
** Did I say become a follower of my blog???

That's it! I'll draw a name late late late Saturday night and will post the winner when I get back home from Pennsylvania Sunday night.

**remember, RAK open to USA residents only this time *****

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  1. Goodness, you'd think Christmas would be my favorite holiday to scrap. But I'll admit I'm partial to Easter, it must be all the pastels and bunnies:)
    I'm glad your feeling better!

  2. I think Halloween is my favorite holiday to scrap! I love all the ghosts and ghouls and monsters. Plus Halloween means all the fun fall stuff like pumpkin picking and things like that so that just gives me more to scrap!

    Here's the link to my blog!

  3. But I don't have a blog. Halloween is my number one. If you check my gallery with the Fiskateers you can see some Halloween related stuff. My youngest son even gave me a blow up Halloween decoration for Christmas!
    Becoming follower right now,
    NanaBeth #2906

  4. Beth Williams = NanaBeth

  5. 1. I follow your blog :o)
    2.Love Christmas :o) all the pretty lights and berries...
    3.send you a link to my blog (Kat, don't quite understand *sigh* I'm learning lots, but still have lots to learn!)

    I love scrap books but have only done about 6 pages of a scrap book...I take way too much time (I hand cut and did all the lettering, etc by hand, didnt have any of the tools of the trade.)

    Both my girls, on the otherhand, are way better at whipping up some creative scrapbooks, so if I get the honor of my name picked for the giveaway... I will be excited to pass it to my girly-whirlies :o)

    It's good to hear that you've bounced back :o)

  6. Love your sctuff, Mizz Kate. I thought I was already following your blog, but now I am for sure.

    My fave holiday to scrap would have to be Christmas.

    As for a blog ... does Ryan's CB page count? If not, then I guess that means I'm blogless! :D


  7. I would have to say Christmas, because there are so many ways to go with it! Thanks for the chance!
    Holly (#6089)

  8. wowzers! How cool! My favority holiday to scrap is probably Easter and then Thanksgiving. I am so blessed and those are the times of the year that those blessings really hit me hard and fast!! I can't wait to see all of your goodies and I am glad to be a follower! Come see my bloggity blog:

  9. My favorite holiday to scrap is probably Halloween!

  10. My favorite holiday to scrap is Halloween/fall. I love the colors. Christmas is a close second! I became a follower but I don't have a blog. thanks for a chance to win. Have a great 4th weekend.
    connie #2909

  11. How cool! My favorite holiday to scrap is Kwanzaa . I'm lucky that I have been able to use some of my Christmas embellies and paper for Kwanzaa LOs.
    Visit my blog at:


  12. I'm now stalking your blog!!:0)
    Hmmm, I think my favorite holiday to scrap is easter. I love all the pastelie, girlie colors and flowers and stuff! Visit my blog at www.creativelycapturingmemories.blogspot.com

  13. My favorite holiday to scrap is Christmas! I love all of them, but its the one time of year when I can get most of my family together. I don't have a blog as of yet, but I love finding new ones. I look forward to reading yours and getting to know you! Thanks for posting it on the Yahoo AA board. Take care and have a great 4th!

  14. My favorite holiday to scrap would probably be Halloween, because the colors and the weather has cooled off again.

  15. I am following your blog. I have to say my favorite holiday to scrap is halloween. I love the imagination and costumes. Please come by and check out my blog.


  16. Halloween is my favorite holiday to scrapbook. I love the combination of Orange and Black together. Plus, there's just something about kids in costume that makes it fun.

    You can check out my blog at http://scrapcrazymomma.blogspot.com.

    Thanks so much!


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