
Charity crop

By kate blue - Sunday, August 30, 2009

for all you scrapping gals that missed Mandie's crop-you missed out on fun, great food and great prizes! I went to support her charity, the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and I have to say, it was FUN !!
gotta give it to Mandie cause she had 3 years more experience than me and Susan...we'll have to get some tips from her IF we do another event next year...I didn't expect anything but fun & scrapping, but when we got there, we all got goody (goodie?) bags and buttons. Then, there were FOUR raffles of AMAZING stuff-
but I forgot to take pictures of the other two goodies baskets! I did try to win though, but no luck! I do know that 2 of my favorites- gcd studios and Tracy from Photoscraps in Eldersburg were 2 of the many sponsors of the raffle items..winner of some those goodies was Stevie~ a new friend that came way via Meetup.com!

and Danielle-

We all rec'd door prizes... the Winter Wonderland collection from gcd studios-I'll post better pics later and now that I think about it, I actually won two door prizes ( I won a K & Co album and goody pack)! I haven't unpacked everything from my totes so...

and then, if you can stand more, we had a $ 5 buck fill a bag AND a free item table! I came home with some nifty goodies!

Space was limited and this is an annual event so....next year you gotta sign up right away!

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