
I've been HONORED :)

By kate blue - Friday, October 30, 2009

I rec' this fabulous blog award from my great pal Charity (a/k/a CharyGirl)

The rules are I have to pass this along to 5 other friends and answer a list of questions in ONE word!
Here are the questions:

1. Where is your cell phone? Purse?
2. Your hair? streaked
3. Your mother? stylish
4. Your father? strong
5. Your favorite food? italian

6. Your dream last night? chaotic
7. Your favorite drink? alcoholic? vodka  non alcoh? coffee
8. Your dream/goal? speech (Brandon)
9. What room are you in? scrapstudio
10. Your hobby? scrapping
11. Your fear? fire
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? working
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren't? relaxed
15. Muffins? cranberry

16. Wish list item? $$
17. Where did you grow up? everywhere (military brat)
18. Last thing you did? movie
19. What are you wearing? shorts
20. Your TV? on (DIY)

21. Your Pets? none
22. Friends? asleep
23. Your life? improving
24. Your mood? tense
25. Missing Someone? nope

26. vehicle? suv
27. Something you're not wearing? acrylics (nails)
28. Your favorite store? tie : Homegoods or Target
29. Your favorite color? teal
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? recently (watched GHOST tonite)
32. Your best friend? asleep
33. One place that I go to over and over? library
34. Facebook? yes
35. Favorite place to eat? chipotle

So now I have to pick five people whose blogs I love and award them:

1.  Jody
2.  MandyK (a/k/a MandyKay)
3.  Jen (a/k/a Chez)
4. Christina
5.  Jenny (a/k/a Candy Apple Red or JennyB)

I love reading their blogs (call it scrapstalking if that's the term you wanna use)....They are so talented and funny and continue to inspire me...stop by and check them out if you don't already- you won't be disappointed! Tell them Queen Kat sent ya !!!!

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  1. congrats on your blog award, kathy! it was great learning more about you!

  2. Oh Ghost always gets me too!!
    Thanx for playing along!

  3. was peekin in and just love all the scrap pages you have done. they are awesome! congrats on your award & being published!
    lv u
    yr sis

  4. Just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog and especially thank you for the blog award :)
    You make beautiful pages and your children are gorgeous (you can never tire of hearing that, huh? :)
    Have a great day!


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