
Mixed Chicks Curly Revolution

By kate blue - Friday, October 23, 2009

most of ya'll know the battle we have with Thing 1's hair...especially when it was longer.  We tried every and I do mean every ethnic and non-ethnic curl product and the hair was still so dry and each and every day we had to apply tons of product which got her hair hard or sticky or both -she'd come home lookin' all crazy.  I won't mention any of the products that didn't work but some of them were quite pricey and "claimed" that THEIR product was the ONE.  Anyway, it is all trial and error and no two people have the exact same texture hair-I mean, look at me and my sisters; we are biracial and I'm the only one with unruly hair who is a slave to the relaxer unless I want to look like Bunny Umfoofoo (old joke)...anyway, I digress from the Mixed Chicks.

Andreya sent Thing1 a gift pack with the shampoo, deep conditioner and the leave-in conditioner from these ladies over at Mixed Chicks.  I went to their YouTube page just to make sure I was applying the product correctly (yeah, it is possible) and VOILA! We've used it more than once and so far so good...Price wise I'd say it was comparable to what I spend on Paul Mitchell so I can't complain......For those of you with the curly hair woes, you may want to try this....So this is our product of the day :)


and the AFTERS:

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  1. Beautiful!!!! You can tell in the pics that she loves it :o)

  2. Hey Kate. Thanks for the comments on my blog. I'm going to order this this weekend. I'm coloring my hair soon and I was looking for a new regimen for my curly locks. Thanks so much.

  3. Hi Kate,

    I've been following your blog for a while but this is my first comment.

    Another great site and product for curly hair is Miss Jessie's is pretty good a little pricey but good. They have products and video tut's on their site as well as youtube. Below is a link ot their site, good luck and enjoy. http://www.missjessies.com/


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