
Stop, oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman ....

By kate blue - Thursday, December 03, 2009

November was a very good month, I participated in a lot of challenges and got tons done and was the recipient of goodies as one Crate Paper challenge winner @ scrapbook.com (thank you Estee!), an RAK from J @ Scrapgal (scream Prima ya'll), and a blog hop winner from Becky (see the delish Making Memories Mistletoe as well as Prima goodness)...so with all this stuff, you know I need to get my mojo back, clean my table and get super busy!

This week,I did clean out some of my older stuff since AMM was doing a scrap supply drive for Chloe's friends at the oncology unit so....may do that again and box up some stuff for the kids over at Johns Hopkins. You know you have too many supplies though when you clean it, donate stuff and it still looks the same! Thank you Staci, for putting that on your blog and encouraging me to de-clutter all for a good cause! With CHA around the corner, maybe others will be encouraged to do the same and with flat rate shipping, send some supplies over to their local Children's Hospitals-they are easy to find and you can just contact their public relations department on the web and they'll get you an address. Easy -peasy. If there's anybody in Maryland who wants to tag on with me, you are welcome to drop it off at my house and I'll get my personal buddy Kim to get the stuff for Hopkins. I do remember when Brandon was hospitalized how important children's crafts were-they provide crafts not just for the kid patients, but also to their siblings how have to come to the hospital to visit. Kids don't care about brands or whether it's a complete set of letters or supplies.  Just remember that your scraps can be turned into cards as well....just a thought to think about while giving this holiday season....

On another note, Am going to NYC for a few days and if all goes right, I may have a challenge with another RAK (Carrie, I mailed yours this week) once I get back IF I have some takers-Who's in for a layout challenge???  If you are interested, email me !!!!

Since I am going to see "Her,"it may be a color challenge, may be a theme challenge-MAYBE-am not sure, gotta think about it once I get there.

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  1. wow, look at all your loot :D

    great idea to donate to the hospitals, usually my girls destroy most of my leftovers or i give them to friends at crops :D

    we're going to see the princess and the frog next saturday - should be great :D

    woo hoo to the package being on it's way :D

  2. Challenge!? Sounds like fun!

    What a great bunch of loot you've found in your mailbox.....

  3. lucky girl, I guess it pays to play!


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