
finished the Jenni Bowlin project!

By kate blue - Sunday, January 03, 2010

as you all already know, I was honored to join Lindsay for a class being taught at the Queens Ink by none other than the super sweet and oh so talented Jenni Bowlin! I'm slowly doing a few vintage altered projects, I wish it would encourage more of the manufacturers in the industry to create more papers, stamps and vintage ephemera that reflects people of color-we would love to see that!!!!!!...but, I had great fun even though it was unlike any class I ever took before...people finished their projects quickly and just got up and left!  That was really really really strange to me...but anyway, here's my project -wish I had taken the picture of it in the daytime but I always forget! That's me in the pic tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to get out of the prison they called a playpen!

Jenni was sweet and even autographed it for me when I asked-thought it gave some flava to it!

 and btw, Jenni is the first GGG (Guest Garden Girl) at TwoPeas for 2010 !!!  Don't know when she finds time to scrap, but I guess she does :)  Love her use of white space even though I don't do it myself.....
She truly was a joy to meet!

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  1. I like this project -- cute pic! I agree about vintage for people of color. I'm a huge Graphic 45 fan but am disappointed with their new lines because the people in all of the paper are caucasion.

  2. Yes, I'm very new to paper crafting - and this (lack of AfAm images) seems to be a big topic among African American scrappers and paper crafters. There is a sweet gal who is helping at least with the Black Vintage items:


    Her stuff is GREAT!!!!!

    Between lack of NICE African American stamps, papers and vintage images ... I 'm starting to wonder about continually giving my money to this genre.

  3. gorgeous project and cool that you got jenny to sign it, makes it that much more personal for you :D

    love that pic of you :D

  4. This is truly beautiful!!! WTG!!


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