
One Action, one Belief, one Word

By kate blue - Sunday, January 03, 2010

however you describe it, many scrappers follow Ali E's blog with the One Word concept.  I picked a word last year but never scrapped it, it shoulda been "procrastination!"  But this, year, I jumped on the bandwagon again and promise to scrap about in in my BOM...But I chose another word this year also because I was inspired by my real life friend Sue and her daughter MacKenzie, a young kid who, for the past 3 years or so, has had to endure all of the heartache, illness, surgeries, recuperation and hardships that go with having a BRAIN TUMOR. 

Marriott Corp Torch Relay-we all walked for CMN kids with Miss Maryland in 2008 )

This is Team MacKenzie's shirt that her "Believers" wore as a fundraiser during one of her many hospitalizations.  So, on that note, as a tribute to MacKenzie who is still recovering (thanks also to our friends at Johns Hopkins-Sue & I both sing their praises for saving our children)
and getting better and stronger everyday, and to her mom, who believes in the power of faith, prayer, and friends, MY word for 2010 is Believe:

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