
By kate blue - Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ok- Due to some circumstances and some other reasons, on a good note though -I can officially say that I am starting my scrapbooking resolutions (GT, DT and being published again & not necessarily in that order) off to a good start! I am so excited to announce that I am now officially a Lollipop Girl for Candy Shoppe Designs!  CSD is a Sweet Paper Crafting Challenge Blog that hosts bi-weekly challenges and sweet tooth tutorials in-between.  I had thought of being Queen Kat over there too but all in the spirit of continuing the "sweetness" of it all, I am going by the name that my friends way back when in the military used to call me: KIT KAT (I am light chocolate with snappy crunchy layers and sweet (when I wanna be) ...:) .

I created a LO (with this COOL Diva title from (Keandra )  for my new name in order to get you excited about hoppin' on over to CSD and becoming a follower and participator...you won't be disappointed!   I should be up on their blog soon so keep checking for me! More coming up soon............

If you haven't been over to the Candy Shoppe Design blog yet, whatcha waiting for??????

There is SO much talent (see them under the CSD Eye Candy tab and also at their personal blogs via my sidebar) and it's all so different-sometimes you see DTs where everybody's work kinda looks the same-not so here-we all got style but different styles! There's something for every style-shabby, messy, chic, trendy, romantic, clean, bold, straight, crooked :)   heheeee

I  feel grateful that I get to be one of them since that was on my wish list last year as well! I would like to THANK Lynnette for giving me such a great New Year's gift; it made me SUPER HAPPY !

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  1. love your lo - kit kat is the perfect title/candy for you :D

    congrats :D

  2. AWE! Your welcome my dear...but it wasn't me who started your new year off to the right start, it was your own talent that did. Love your work and we all look forward to designing with you in the up-coming months. I didn't know you created this so I will update the C.S.D. blog soon okay.


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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