
Weekend update~

By kate blue - Sunday, January 31, 2010

Can you say snow, snow and more snow! The weather folks got it all wrong and said 1-3 inches; we ended up with about 8; all I know is that I'm sick of snow-NO LIE-haven't liked it since I was younger and personally try to stay out of it whenever I can.  Had a slight mishap with the car (poor tire tread-car goes into shop for new tires tomorrow)  that could've turned into something quite serious (accident) but God was watching out for me this weekend and so all was good...on a better note, despite the snow, I was able to make to to {E's} and we had a big girl's sleepover-thank goodness she keeps spares of everything and it was like staying at the spa!  Actually got some scrapping for fun in too!  Used her supplies and did a few things!  and despite the snow, I pray that the kids go to school on time tomorrow!

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  1. Hi my lovely friend,thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment,but I`ve a question... I don`t understand what is scrap gal... LOL!! sorry can you explain me please...

  2. down here in VA, the weather people called for 2-4 and we got 8-10! hate that! hope to see the LO's!

  3. oooh, i love the big talk bubble with the blah blah blah in it - very cool and graphic :D


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