
For all you card makers...here's a great site

By kate blue - Thursday, February 25, 2010

{*photo courtesy of EBKS-designed by Kelly Marie Alvarez-please do not use without her permission}

that I came across yesterday that has some great ideas...boy I wish I could make cards and great projects like this cupcake above but I struggle with them so, believe it or not, I buy cards from the Hallmark store!  Mine come out looking like I cut something straight from the Cricut and glued it down...I know...what can I say? but anyway, here's the site, it's called Everthing But the Kitchen Sink!  I think it's actually a Sketch and Challenge blog, but I see lots of cards and cute projects other than layouts so...

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  1. Thank you so much for featuring my cupcake! You are too sweet!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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