
This Girl Rocks!

By kate blue - Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mixing for Money   I hope this is the right link to my young friend MacKenzie's tv interview on WBAL Baltimore...-I know I've posted about her before but she is an amazing kid...she's also the toughest little 12 YO chica I know-battling brain cancer for the last 4 years (at least) and she's such a fighter..she was the inspiration for my 2010 word {BELIEVE} since all of us on Team MacKenzie who pray for her and her family BELIEVE that she will win this! In addition to Brandon, she is a Johns Hopkins "miracle kid"  and tomorrow night, when TEAM BLUE gets to shaking our booties at the Towson University TigerTHON dance for charity, we do it in her honor since she is still hospitalized.....we love you Kenzie!! and btw, CANCER SUCKS!!  Having a healthy kid is everything; trust me!

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  1. Hi Kate!
    I was so thrilled to see that you came by my blog and I am here returning the favor!
    There is SO much to see here that I know I need to come back!
    Plus, I am a big time Snow White fan and think your blog is just beautiful!
    Ok so I am a big softy plus having a new baby makes it even worse, there is something about your family photos that is really touching me. Everyone is so beautiful, you must feel very blessed!
    I am glad you found me and in turn, glad I found you!
    Have a wonderful day..hope we can get to know eachother through our blogging!
    hugs, Leah


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